Tests carried out on one thousand volunteers proved that those who continued working without rest, made lower scores in intelligence tests like the IQ test.
Interestingly, those that test well on working memory tasks also seem to do well at learning, reading comprehension and problem solving.
The team may even decide to test the water by setting up a process improvement as an experiment where the team take on a new way of working and then review its effectiveness at the next retrospective.
The software test team starts working based on baseline bl1 (main branch).
Test all functionality on the Sametime server to ensure it is working normally.
We will be specifically talk about only Rational Test Projects, which thus contain only a test datastore with only test assets produced by a team while working on IBM Rational test products.
我们将特别讨论Rational测试项目,它只包含一个测试数据存储库,该库带有团队在使用IBM Rational 测试产品时所生成的测试资产。
This means you focus on test results and demonstrate working code to various stakeholders to assess how well you are doing.
I've also used it in development to test different ideas without spending too much time coding up something inside the application I was working on.
Of course, working with the output of the generation of all possible permutations of test inputs could quickly become unfeasible (depending on the application under test).
One study found that sleep-deprived medical interns working on the night shift were twice as likely to misinterpret patients’ test results.
Thus, a second layer of test case prioritization is created, which focuses on proving that the most critical functionality is working with the highest amount of reliability.
This section summarizes how to install and test XM (for more details on a given feature turn to Working XML: Using XSLT for content management, the column where it was introduced).
这一节概述如何安装和测试XM(关于给定特性的更多信息,请参阅WorkingXML:UsingXSLT forcontentmanagement,在那里有所介绍)。
If you're working on a multi-terabyte data warehouse, the test system may need to be smaller.
Right now we are working on a performance increase that will more than triple the speed of testing when working with a large number of tests by removing some inefficiency in the test runner.
You've been working hard on the initial setup, and when you get back from your well-earned break, you need to test to make sure you've done everything right.
We didn't agree on the test ban treaty, but I already knew that, because Strobe Talbott had been working with Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh and others for months on nonproliferation issues.
Working on large enterprise applications, it was very difficult to come up with Simple Design which was easy to Test.
Therefore, you should integrate test cases focusing on menu structure stability and correctly working links on the desktop into your test case suite.
Scenario 4: a tester is working on developing a test case for a feature in the product.
And if you are working on several projects at once, then you might find yourself having to keep up with several different test-file naming conventions simultaneously.
The researchers are currently working on a pilot operation to test and refine their new method.
Manually written tests can also be incorporated into the test run, and functional JUnit test cases can be added by running your use cases on the working application.
还可以将手动编写的测试用例整合到测试运行中,并且可以通过对工作应用程序运行您的用例来添加功能Junit 测试用例。
If the test class doesn't run, spend your time getting XPath support working before spending hours on writing code that might not work when it counts.
The new working memory study builds on previous research, but provides the most rigorous mathematical test of the three- to four-item estimate, Cowan said.
If you are working with a server where you cannot verify the encoding rules the server is referencing, I suggest that you test on a servlet that encodes at the application level.
We will discuss three techniques that our team has used successfully while working on reliability testing using Rational test tools.
We will discuss three techniques that our team has used successfully while working on reliability testing using Rational test tools.