North Star was founded in 2006 by the international post and parcel delivery company TNT, with support from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).
Officials of the World Food Programme, WFP, say they are receiving information that famine has gripped parts of central Afghanistan.
The World food Programme (WFP) provides the village with 40% of its food, in monthly handouts.
The Shabab guarantee the safety of the food convoys of the United Nations' World food Programme (WFP).
The UN's world Food Programme (WFP) feeds 90m people in the poor world, a fraction of the 800m it reckons still go hungry.
联合国世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme,WFP)可以解决9000万贫穷国家人民的饥饿问题,但这不过是杯水车薪。
The UN's world Food Programme (WFP) feeds 90m people in the poor world, a fraction of the 800m it reckons still go hungry.
联合国世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme,WFP)可以解决9000万贫穷国家人民的饥饿问题,但这不过是杯水车薪。