The design of a defense system was proposed against the worm-virus based on spam. And the immunization technology was used into the system.
We feel the worm of conscience and the apology to see people still suffering the virus up to the present.
The idea being if I find a pattern across multiple people's computers maybe all of those people are infected with the same kind of malware or virus or worm.
In the network the sorts of computer virus are various and we can not catch the speed of its renewing.After comparing many kinds of virus, in order to be close to reality, I choose the "Worm."
Systems used in this type of attack can be compromised in any number of ways and infected with a worm or virus.
Ordinary PC users are being advised to keep their anti-virus software up to date and watch for news about the worm.
A worm can also deliver a payload in the form of a virus, a rootkit, or some other software device that modifies the system.
Worm - this type of virus is able to spread itself automatically over the network from one computer to the next.
"Most businesses appear to have Conficker under control," he said. "They've applied patches and updated their anti-virus software to stem the spread of the worm."
That is, it is impossible to write a computer program that will identify correctly whether an arbitrary program is a virus, a worm, etc. - no matter how much computing power is thrown at the problem.
This software is intended to protect the computers from being attacked by a kind of virus called worm.
What is the most resilient parasite? A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm?
The excrement and the excrement polluted water carry a lot of pathogens of them including the diseaseful virus and worm eggs which threaten seriously the health of the habitants.
If contracted virus, worm or Trojan, if run a few other jobs on computer again, may expend a large number of resource, what make a system slower than moving at ordinary times thereby is much.
With the development of computer technology and Internet, computer virus and net worm have become the biggest trouble computer users faced.
A guy from the Philippines, birthplace of the dread Love Bug virus, wrote, "it is quite ironic that I got a worm from you."
In the network the sorts of computer virus are various and we can not catch the speed of its renewing. After comparing many kinds of virus, in order to be close to reality, I choose the "Worm."
Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm?
Nowadays, information systems are mostly threatened by information stealing and destroying attacks launched by such malware as virus, worm, Troy horse and spy-ware.
Nowadays, information systems are mostly threatened by information stealing and destroying attacks launched by such malware as virus, worm, Troy horse and spy-ware.