Worse still, the assumption is that you're building software for one customer or one organization.
Worse still, is the prospect of cuts in social spending - health, education and social protection - that many countries, especially low-income countries, may be forced to undertake.
Worse still is the structural component's shape: notches and sharp corners create concentrations of stress that can initiate cracks.
Worse still, they will make sure that no one else gets a choice in the matter of improving the conditions of life on earth-unless, that is, others rise up and demand an alternative.
Worse, Congress has still not decided what to do about a big package of tax cuts that is due to expire at the end of the year.
If Washington won't do what is needed to make things better, there are still things that can be done to try to keep the economy from getting worse.
There are infinitely many buses, and worse still, each one is loaded with an infinity of crabby people demanding that the hotel live up to its motto, “There’s always room at the Hilbert Hotel.”
True, three other G8 countries are doing worse still (see chart). But the notion that Italy, which has a 20-year history of underperformance, will miss the full impact of the recession is fanciful.
What's worse is that even if the anemia is corrected, the effects are still long-lasting.
Worse still, the fallen mast that crushed the ship's deck is BElieved by many to BE the result of an unapproved salvage operation.
When we are in miserable state, most of us will always think that there is still someone who is worse off than us or who is facing the same situation.
To make matters worse is that there are still several rounds of gun firing bullets yet.
"Worse and worse," said Mr Beaver, "and the next thing is this." Was he still here when I told you that the place for meeting Aslan was the Stone Table?
Worse still is the danger that can be posed by drivers obscuring their view by cluttering up Windows with lots of signs.
That is no worse than unfortunate: the deadline applies only to states that acceded to the treaty more than ten years ago and America still has time to make its claims.
Worse still, it is riddled with so many loopholes and concessions that the bill's measures might not offset the emissions from the paper it's printed on.
Still, the statistics meteorologists have collected on extreme weather events aren't enough to prove that the weather is getting worse.
But still I have to say that, yes, my true belief is that being with somebody who makes you feel shitty or doesn't honor the person you are, is worse.
But still I have to say that, yes, my true belief is that being with somebody who makes you feel shitty or doesn't honor the person you are, is worse.