For more than 15 years, he collected water samples from Lake Tai in eastern China and submitted reports on its worsening condition.
For more than 15 years, he collected water samples from Lake Tai in eastern China and submitted reports on its worsening condition.
These years, Father and I went on the trip all the time. Our family condition is worsening day by day.
With his condition worsening, Bethune eventually persuaded his reluctant doctors to perform a potentially fatal operation.
"So, to prevent worsening of damage to the brain, the patient must be maintained in as stable a condition as is possible," she said.
Among Chinese people this manner can avoid worsening the condition, considering this kind of occasion is not likely to arise again.
The mainly problem which peasants are facing is the worsening transaction condition.
If you cough up mucus that's any other color than clear, that can be a sign your condition is worsening, says Byron Thomashow of Columbia and the COPD Foundation.
Discontinuation of the product may cause a rebound effect (worsening of the condition) and you should therefore consult your doctor or healthcare provider about suitable treatments.
Impaired function of cardiac sympathetic nerve NET in cases of heart failure may contribute to worsening of the patients condition and to the progression of heart failure.
The process or condition of worsening or degenerating.
For those who already have heart disease, the same lifestyle measures can help keep the condition from worsening.
The process or condition of worsening or degenerating.
To prevent the condition worsening, wounds should be covered, injured areas immobilized and the casualty placed in a correct and comfortable position.
From then on the patient's condition worsened gradually, but the worsening speed was slower than before the transplantation.
From then on the patient's condition worsened gradually, but the worsening speed was slower than before the transplantation.