A century's worth of calculated name changes point to the fact that naming any group is a politically freighted exercise.
Is it worth fighting a big war, in the name of an abstraction like sovereignty?
"Wind," he said, "seems to me a name that is not worth the quality of this animal."
While most of the world is very familiar with Bill Gates, the name Carlos Slim helu rarely rings a bell. But it's a name worth knowing.
My nieces' college funds would have been abandoned in the name of a 46-inch LCD TV and a few months' worth of cable bills.
The head of the senate administration, Agaciel Maia, was revealed to own a house worth 5m reais ($2.5m) that was registered in his brother’s name and thus not declared to the tax authorities.
Agaciel Maia,参议员管理处处长,被披露拥有价值5百万雷亚尔(约合250万美元)的一套房子。 这套房子登记在他兄弟的名下,因此并没有向税务机关进行纳税申报。
Most of the property is in her name and despite her husband's change of fortunes, she continues to lease a BMW, has jewellery worth $2.6m and plays a $39, 000 piano.
Fangyizhi's Tong Ya is a book of talking explanations of words in ancient books, stresses classical things and the name of academic works, it was worth many academic studies scholars affirmed.
And the reasons for this coupling of the name Milton and of this idea or the metaphor of power, I think, are worth looking in to.
As the frontiers of the state roll forward, it's worth remembering that the man in whose name much of this is done would have a clothes-peg on his nose.
Worth and it is one of best in the US. Indeed, people in Ft. Worth do not like their name behind Dallas. They want Ft. Worth to be a unique city.
Worth and it is one of best in the US. Indeed, people in Ft. Worth do not like their name behind Dallas. They want Ft. Worth to be a unique city.