You might think he woulda wanted his own Catcher in the Rye adaptation in the works before he died.
It's just too bad Salinger was just as tortured by it as you might've thought, or he woulda added to his own.
Which is why a little woman of your background woulda had a hands full, trying to run a big business like that.
The pain of woulda-coulda-shoulda, the pain of next time I’ll do it, the pain that you are forced to realize because you have not yet committed to changing your habits.
You might think he woulda called up Harvey Weinstein and told him how to put Holden Caulfield on the big screen the J.D. Salinger way — which is to say deep, declarative, and deeply funny.
You might think he woulda called up Harvey Weinstein and told him how to put Holden Caulfield on the big screen the J.D. Salinger way — which is to say deep, declarative, and deeply funny.