This means the write-behind cache must reliably keep the data in the cache until it can be written to disk.
In a write-behind cache, once the data is in the cache, the request is returned, and processing continues.
在write - behind cache模式下,当数据位于缓存中时,请求将返回,并且处理继续进行。
As discussed earlier, with a write-behind cache, the transaction completes when the data is written to the cache, which is fast.
Thus, a write-behind cache gives you memory speed for accessing data on all writes, and for all cache-hit reads, and has other benefits that you will see later.
因此,write - behind缓存在访问所有写入数据以及所有缓存命中读取时都能提供内存速度,而且还有一些其他好处,我们将在下文介绍。
In a write-behind cache, data reads and updates are all serviced by the cache, but unlike a write-through cache, updates are not immediately propagated to the data store.
在write - behind缓存中,数据的读取和更新通过缓存进行,与write -through缓存不同,更新的数据并不会立即传到数据库。
It is expected that for a system using write behind that all changes are made through the cache and through no other path.
可以预见,采用write - behind的系统,作出变更的唯一路径就只能是缓存。
What is a "write-behind" cache?
什么是“write - behind”缓存?
Either a sparse cache or complete cache could be used with the write-behind feature.
稀疏的缓存还是完整的缓存,都可以用于write - behind特性。
Either a sparse cache or complete cache could be used with the write-behind feature.
稀疏的缓存还是完整的缓存,都可以用于write - behind特性。