Our inner critic gets in the way of writing the first draft fast, because it wants to have everything perfect before you’ve even written the article.
Our inner critic gets in the way of writing the first draft fast, because it wants to have everything perfect before you've even written the article.
OK, we'll have a careful look at the content of your case study in a minute, but I just want to make a general comment first, before you start writing your second draft.
The way to determine whether your answer is natural is simply by writing a first draft of the answer and then read it out loud.
The objectives of the first draft are for you to provide a complete initial version of your paper so that we can provide you feedback on the writing, organization, and approach to your critique.
You may find that the revision process takes as long or longer than writing the draft or first version.
The magic in writing well is not in producing a perfect first draft, but editing and rewriting afterward .
The magic in writing well is not in producing a perfect first draft, but editing and rewriting afterward .