If you have a Gmail account, you can create, save and send tables in addition to written documents like your cover letter and resume.
The prologue to the novel is written in the form of a newspaper account.
The account has been written off.
When someone tried to transfer money to my account the bank said my name was written wrong.
Having a written record of all conversations related to a current or past account can be very helpful.
In other words, a written demand, or a check, is all that's necessary to make a withdrawal from the account.
The account of his sons, the many prophecies about him, and the record of the restoration of the temple of God are written in the annotations on the book of the kings.
She also began work on The Discovery of Freedom, which by her own account was written in a "white heat."
They take it upon themselves to account for everything, which of course is good, but it shouldn't be done in order to allow poorly written programs to flourish.
And given the uncertainty surrounding the estate tax, families with taxable estates need to make sure their documents are written to account for that uncertainty.
I've written a diary in it and other things that I don't want to share with others, as well as my E-mail account and password.
The Echo was written so long ago that it has escaped attention and I am now no longer called upon to render an account of its meaning.
None of this, however, was captured in the initial military account, written by the marines themselves.
And somebody may have scribbled and written in it, and you have to account for that when you make a call on it.
The following account is from “Mourt’s Relation, ” mostly written by a Plymouth resident, Edward Winslow: “Squanto went at noon to fish for eels.
NINETY years after it was written, “The Secret People” remains a good account of the national character.Foreign names and revolutionary concepts are still disliked, as they were by the heroes of G.
This is the written account of Adam's line.
Written for the general reader, this lively account of "the other side" includes distinctive photographs and sources.
Most of the tweets on the account, which was created on December 19, are written in Pashto, the native language in parts of Afghanistan.
This account was written to show one of many possible paths a project could take while adopting Rational's tools and processes.
When I did eventually get access to my account back through Gmail a week later, I found that the hacker had personally written to more than 30 people who had asked about my problems in Madrid.
Autobiography: a person's account of his or her own life. An autobiography is generally written in narrative form and includes some introspection.
Please write down your name, your account number and the amount you want to put in on this deposit slip. Be sure the amount is written in words.
Please write down your name, your account number and the amount you want to put in on this deposit slip. Be sure the amount is written in words.