The numbers on the x axis run from 0 to 1; the numbers in the y axis are generated by evaluating the equation for each x value.
x轴的数字范围为 0到1,y 轴的数字是通过将各 x 值代入等式计算得出的。
Unit vectors are always pointing in the direction of the positive axis x in the x direction is this one.
y It's directed along the x axis. What about the x component?
In the table below, the token on the X-axis can follow the token on the Y-axis if their meeting place is marked with an x.
So I have everything I need, then, to calculate and draw a diagram that looks just like this x Except where my x-axis is the y's instead of the x's.
So, for example, I tell you how to set the x-range to limit the range on the X-axis of the graph.
Apache Axis is a good lightweight web service client and can be used as a web service container for Tomcat 5.x and JBoss 3.2.x.
ApacheAxis是一个轻量级Web服务客户机,可以作为Tomcat 5 .x和jboss 3.2 . x的Web服务容器使用。
The motion is only in the x-axis, along the x direction.
x Well, we know how to compute partial w over partial x y or partial w over partial y, which measure how w changes if I move in the direction of the x axis or in the direction of the y axis.
Remember that polar coordinates are about replacing x and y as coordinates for a point on a plane by instead r, r and theta,which is the angle measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis.
This paper analyzes some main factors that affect precision of axis system of X-Y pedestal, classifies these factors and compares the X-Y pedestal with the A-Z pedestal.
文中分析了影响X - Y天线座轴系精度的一些主要因素,分类作了介绍,并与方位一俯仰型天线座进行了对比。
The curriculum designing teaching links of the mechanical and electrical integration needs the Nc X-Y working table, which is movable along Axis X and Axis Y.
结合机电一体化课程设计教学环节需要,设计用单片机作为控制系统的X-Y工作台。 X-Y工作台就是能分别沿着X向和Y向移动的工作台。
X-Y working platform can be move along X-axis and Y-axis.
X-Y double-axis gimbal by X axis transferring D could track objects near zenith, has wider tracking region than regular X-Y double-axis gimbal.
An electro-chemical ultra-precision lapping machine with five freedoms of X-, Y- and Z-axis linear movement as well as rotation about X- and Z-axis is developed.
An electro-chemical ultra-precision lapping machine with five freedoms of X-, Y- and Z-axis linear movement as well as rotation about X- and Z-axis is developed.