Fragile X syndrome, a single genetic mutation on the X chromosome, is the most common source of inherited mental impairment, affecting one in every 4,000 boys and one in every 6,000 girls.
Fragile X syndrome, a single genetic mutation on the X chromosome, is the most common source of inherited mental impairment, affecting one in every 4, 000 boys and one in every 6, 000 girls.
If so, there could be a familial genetic disorder called fragile X, in which a certain portion of the X chromosome is abnormal.
Objective: to establish an efficient method to detect fragile X chromosome syndrome (FraX) by optimizing PCR amplifying condition.
The probands of pedigrees E and F of the mother were found with suspicions fragile X chromosome, being confirmed as the non-fragile X pedigrees by the molecular genetic test.
The probands of pedigrees E and F of the mother were found with suspicions fragile X chromosome, being confirmed as the non-fragile X pedigrees by the molecular genetic test.