You can start by putting all your own yard waste to work by composting.
According to Thoman, food waste and yard waste are currently all dumped in a pile together.
Every day, at Cedar Grove Composting north of Seattle, truck after truck pulls into this huge warehouse to dump loads of food and yard waste.
Collect all of the food scraps that are leftover from eating and preparing your meals, as well as things like yard waste, and deposit these items in your outdoor bin.
The Department of Energy estimates that, taken together, biomass--including municipal waste, construction rubble, and farm and yard waste--could fulfill more than 40% of our energy needs.
As a result the waste sits in your yard for weeks or months.
In 1994, Montgomery County, Alabama imposed a ban on the disposal of yard trimmings, which accounted for 18 percent of the solid waste heading to a landfill.
It follows that the surface of the waste slag yard impacted by rain leaking and other outside factors is more serious than the middle and bottom layer of the slag yard.
It follows that the surface of the waste slag yard impacted by rain leaking and other outside factors is more serious than the middle and bottom layer of the slag yard.