WHO has received reports of an outbreak of yellow fever in Batie, Gaoua and Banfora districts in Burkina Faso in the southeast of the country, near the border with Côte d'Ivoire.
Fast forward a month to the last time I saw Luke. We were painting Land Rovers yellow in Kuwait and preparing to head over the border into Iraq and to war.
On 3 October, the Ministry of health, Burkina Faso reported two laboratory confirmed cases of Yellow fever in the health district of Ouahigouya, in the North of the country, near the border with Mali.
The cover shot of the redwood trunk shooting through the yellow border is only part of the 300-foot-tall, 1, 500-year-old titan.
The yellow shirts have been stoking nationalist feeling with heated rhetoric about border clashes with Cambodia, adding another unstable element to an already volatile mix.
The cover design-featuring a rare break in the famous yellow border-is echoed in the October 2009 issue.
Hemmed by the Qilian mountains in the south and the Yellow river in the east, the desert forms the southern border of Inner Mongolia.
The ship sank near the disputed Yellow Sea border off the west coast of the peninsula, which was the scene of two deadly naval fights between the rival Koreas in the past decade.
It has become one of the world's best-known magazines and is immediately identifiable by the characteristic yellow border running around the edge of its cover.
Historically, the river Huai he, a major river in central China and the traditional border between north China and South China, cut through north Jiangsu to reach the Yellow Sea.
历史上,作为中国内陆的主要河流- - -淮河,是中国南方和北方的传统分界线,它穿越江苏北部流入黄海。
Hukou Waterfall is located in the Yellow River on the Shanxi-Shaanxi border. At 50 meters high it is the second highest waterfall in China.
Hukou Waterfall is located in the Yellow River on the Shanxi-Shaanxi border. At 50 meters high it is the second highest waterfall in China.