My body is silver-white or yellowish-white with black stripes.
It transpires, for instance, that the green of the girl's costume was obtained by applying progressive strokes of black chalk to the yellowish surface of the vellum.
They have yellowish buff skins, straight black hair, and often high cheek - bones.
Numerous colour varieties of this species exists which may have a yellowish, whitish or blueish background colour and a different number, position and size of black patches.
The seeds are about 2 mm in diameter, and may be colored from yellowish white to black.
They have yellowish buff skins, straight black hair, and often high cheek-bones.
These log cabins were built in a Diaojiao Lou style. The wood seemed yellowish black due to the wear of time. The rails on it were tainted with blue and white hues, on which were some laundries.
They are flat and round, or oval, in a pale yellowish color. A big difference from the domestic Chinese soybeans is that the hilum is is brown. They are commonly called Black-Hilum Beans.
They are flat and round, or oval, in a pale yellowish color. A big difference from the domestic Chinese soybeans is that the hilum is is brown. They are commonly called Black-Hilum Beans.