Yet politicians also need to tackle the question of whether the state should be handing out so much to so many.
It was perhaps when my parents—who also happen to be my housemates—left to go travelling for a couple of months recently that it dawned on me why I had not yet left the family home.
The Higgs singlet is related to another particle which is also yet to be found, the Higgs boson.
Yet coral is also at risk from acidification, and more so in colder waters even than in tropical ones, since colder seas tend to be more acidic.
Yet they will also be challenged to recognize and build common interests, not only case-by-case, but through institutions reflecting a “Responsible Globalization.”
Every pleasure then because of its natural kinship to us is good, yet not every pleasure is to be chosen; even as every pain also is an evil, yet not all are always of a nature to be avoided.
Mr Musharraf is also now exiled to London, yet Mr Sharif continues to demand he be prosecuted for treason.
Yet Oshima's film can also be interpreted as a reinterpretation of and a riposte to Ozu.
Better yet, we'd also like to see a downloadable format so the chats can be pulled into a desktop video editor and remixed with other media, as well.
Also, being able to change the font family and size from the toolbar would be great; to make these changes, we had to open up the code window yet again.
Yet I also know that too much of a good thing can be rough, especially for young kids who hold themselves to impossibly high standards.
Animal studies have confirmed that high doses are harmful, but some evidence that it may also be harmful at low doses has yet to convince regulators to take decisive action against the compound.
Yet computing can also be used to tackle climate change.
Their Cousins, the honey bees, have also experienced catastrophic die-offs since 2006 in a phenomenon known as "colony collapse disorder," though the causes have yet to be fully determined.
Their Cousins, the honey bees, have also experienced catastrophic die-offs since 2006, in a phenomenon known as "colony collapse disorder" though the causes have yet to be fully determined.
The two authors also said a useful step could be to monitor how price and tax measures affect uptake of smoking among women in countries where tobacco is not yet widely used by them.
"These results are just the tip of the iceberg," said Craig Hilton-Taylor, who manages the list. He said many more species that have yet to be assessed could also be under serious threat.
Yet the archaic language and high-flown verse, while inspiring, can also be difficult to understand even for educated Arabic speakers.
Yet the benefits also promise to be huge: power savings, reduced investment in electricity generation and lower carbon emissions.
Nitrous oxide exists at low levels in the atmosphere, yet is thought to be responsible for 6 percent of climate warming and also contributes to stratospheric ozone destruction.
Yet there are also reasons to be modestly optimistic.
Legal defense can also be quite expensive and is yet another reason why it pays to have insurance.
Yet if the EU chooses to exclude its own China, it will be turning away the fastest-growing economy in its neighbourhood.It will also lose any hope of influencing the region to its east.
Yet if the EU chooses to exclude its own China, it will be turning away the fastest-growing economy in its neighbourhood. It will also lose any hope of influencing the region to its east.
But yet the spirit of Job was in a better tune: Shall we (saith he) take good at God's hands, and not be content to take evil also?
Yet over the past decade they have come to accept not only that animal experimentation can often be justified but also the increased use of genetically modified mice in carrying out such tests.
Yet over the past decade they have come to accept not only that animal experimentation can often be justified but also the increased use of genetically modified mice in carrying out such tests.