All eyes are fixed upon Asia as the land of promise for the millions yet unborn.
全世界都盯着亚洲, 把它看作未来万千生灵的乐土。
His aspirations on his wedding day are for children yet unborn.
All eyes are fixed upon Asia as the Land of Promise for millions yet unborn.
全世界都盯着亚洲, 把她看做未来千万生灵的乐土。
Of a Chinese automotive industry that can last, and serve, for many, many generations yet unborn.
For the work of man's mind there is one test, and one alone, the judgment of generations yet unborn.
The language of landscape permits us to learn from distant ancestors and to speak to generations as yet unborn.
The PRC's family car can be the foundation stone of a Chinese automotive industry that can last, and serve, for many, many generations yet unborn.
It is not ours alone to deal with as we wish. To adapt a famous phrase, it belongs to those who are living, but it also belongs to those who are dead and to chose who are yet unborn.
You buy several summer outfits for your as-yet-unborn baby, then it turns out he outgrows those clothes before the weather warms up.
You buy several summer outfits for your as-yet-unborn baby, then it turns out he outgrows those clothes before the weather warms up.