You are a master of disguise and multiple personas.
You are a master negotiator and quite street smart, too.
If you are a master, sometimes be blind, if a servant, sometimes be deaf.
You are a master of speaking your language because you practiced. Action is what makes the difference.
You are a master of yourown happiness, nothing else should decide your happiness nor anyone else oranything else.
You are a master of your own happiness, nothing else should decide your happiness nor anyone else or anything else.
Let’s call that program or software: “English 2.0;” if you are a master of the English language, then you might be running on “English 4.0.”
YOGA is a methodology to unite all your faculties of mind and body to work in coherence and harmony so that you are a master of your own mind.
For one thing, the market is full of eye-catching words such as "How to be an Industry's Expert in 5 Hours" and "15 Classes to Be a Master of Appreciating (欣赏) Classical Music", which sound like if you pay for it, you are sure to succeed.
To master a language, words, and grammar rules are not enough. You must do a lot of reading.
When a disciple came from a faraway country, the Master asked, "What are you seeking"?
一个来自遥远国度的弟子来找大师,大师问:“你在寻求什么? ”?
You are lucky in having such a master.
When you are in a positive frame of mind-in the emotions coming from love-you are the master of your universe.
When you finish, you’ll have a master page whose server controls are entirely contained in a hidden panel.
However, if you are willing to spend the effort required to learn from this master, you will have a foundation upon which to build a successful computer science-based career.
The illustration that I use a lot is that we view life like a little marionette puppet, where you have these strings that run down to it, and we think that we are the puppet-master of our life.
When setting up your own project, you must make sure that you are either administrator for the project Area or a member who is in either the scrum master or product owner role.
Once you master some basic tools, you can move on to a deeper understanding of the process. For example, there are three laws of Notable networking.
Benevolent and wise - Master, you ARE a Sage.
A master? Since you are the master here, I have a question to consult you.
A master? Since you are the master here.
If you only provision a Hadoop Master node, and therefore only work on that single node, you are working in pseudo-distributed mode.
Now you are going to set up a Kerberos client to the above master-slave KDC setup that you have successfully configured.
Formerly Zi Gong asked Confucius, saying, "Master, are you a Sage?"
In all seriousness, browser tabs are the key ingredient to how many of us multi-task on the web every day, and TAB Mix Plus is a master key for everything you like or loathe about tabs.
Another buoy might entail conducting benchmarking exercises on firms outside your industry that are best in class in a competency you are seeking to master.
These Blurt Out tapes and CDs are a great way for you to master spoken English.
These Blurt Out tapes and CDs are a great way for you to master spoken English.