You have to find your own groove, but chances are that you have to tell people what you think if you’ve got a small crowd bothering you all the time.
If there is a phone call you need to make, for example, it might bother you all morning, sapping your ability to think clearly, even while you are unaware of what is bothering you.
Are they bothering you, because you genuinely don't think they 'vibe' with you?
All of these small things that are bothering you may be harmless on their own, but they hurt you because they touch your wounds just like the water did.
Do not talk when you are both angry. Make sure that you both calm down and then talk about the matter bothering the both of you.
I hope I am not bothering you because I know you are a very busy man.
These are the things that are bothering you and you don't even have enough self-esteem to tell him what you need to feel good.
Her conversations are always curt, her emails rarely stretch beyond a word or two, and any question you ask her is greeted with a "Why are you bothering me?" attitude.
Her conversations are always curt, her emails rarely stretch beyond a word or two, and any question you ask her is greeted with a "Why are you bothering me?" attitude.