You are dependent on the landlord to maintain the home and keep things in working order.
We are as dependent on our frying pans as sheep are on their internal fellow travellers, for if you eat nothing but raw food you will starve to death.
Forty-four states have lotteries, 29 have casinos, and most of these states are to varying degrees dependent on—you might say addicted to—revenues from wagering.
To speed searches, you may be able to rearrange your tables and, thus, simplify the underlying queries. table and SQL query optimization are highly dependent on your schema and engine.
As you have learned already, Acegi's components are dependent on each other to secure your applications.
Their effective use is also dependent on applying the correct programming idioms; it's critical that you understand how these classes are implemented and how to program to them.
You are most powerful as a healer if you completely trust the other person's ability to solve the problems and let go of any notion of them being dependent on you.
Choosing the right amount of swap space is highly dependent on the platform you are configuring — it's intended use and how you want to cope with a lack of available VM.
The precise method required to enable quotas on your machine is dependent on the operating system you are using.
Based on your specific requirements and business environment, you will be able to make a choice between those that are transport-dependent or those that are specific to SOAP messaging.
If you are not sure whether it is a short or long name, as this can be dependent on different operating systems from the originating SSH connection, it is best to include both the short and long name.
LEI 7.0 also lets you control how dependent activities are run, based on the results of the calling activity.
LEI 7.0还允许基于调用活动的结果控制如何执行从属活动。
You can copy the ObjectGrid directory somewhere else if you wish or work with it where it is; its contents are not dependent in any way on the rest of the Extended Deployment installation.
您可以将ObjectGrid目录复制到所希望的任何其他位置,也可以在原位置使用;其内容不以任何方式依赖于其余的Extended Deployment安装。
In this article, you have seen the importance of backing up of IBM Network Authentication service data, especially when the business solutions and applications are dependent on its services.
在本文中,解释了备份IBM NetworkAuthenticationService数据的重要性,尤其是在业务解决方案和应用程序依赖于IBM NAS的服务的情况下。
Drupal comes with the files you need for a theme and are dependent on your theme engine.
Once all the dependent components have been placed on the canvas you are ready for the next step which is to establish links between the components. Links do many things, most important of which are.
Questioner: Are you dependent on anything?
You can view and edit calendar events and schedules that are dependent on this policy.
The bottom line is that you are, to some extent, dependent on your job to keep you from burning out.
But now you are so dependent on the aerodynamics that you are not able to.
You can set states and properties of elements within the template that are dependent on other factors.
There are too many talented person, but success is dependent on your diligence and love for what you do.
So imagine my surprise when I took a course in business school on leadership and was told that as you get more senior, you are more dependent on other people.
You may also create textures that are dependent on the vertex position in respect to a certain axis (height dependent).
To ensure that your application will install and run successfully, you must first ensure that all components upon which your application is dependent are already installed on the target computer.
To ensure that your application will install and run successfully, you must first ensure that all components upon which your application is dependent are already installed on the target computer.