Once and for all, you are fired!
I regret to tell you that you are fired.
I regret to inform you that you are fired.
I ask you to leave - in other words, you are fired.
You can't work here any longer, in short, you are fired.
And if you get it wrong this time, you are fired. Do you copy?
We've had a hard time making this decision, sorry, you are fired.
When you are fired from a job, one of the first things you may wonder is how you will get another job.
Acknowledge your Anger If you really hate your job, it's likely that you are fired up about something.
The contract will also say how much notice you should give the company if you want to resign or leave and how much notice they will give you if you are fired.
There exist some things that bother us some times in our daily life. For example, you are fired, parting with your girlfriend or boyfriend, the bus is late and so forth.
If you are caught smoking in the kitchen, you will be fired by your boss.
You may not see it, it may not kill you, but if you are a woman with children, you've had shots fired across your bows.
Next, you need to put in place the code to handle these events when they are fired.
If you are specifically asked if you were fired, you need to answer yes.
From the frequency output (after summing up the frequency of all patterns in the cluster), you can deduce that the maximum number of patterns fired are in CALL order, as shown in Listing 10.
Having a list of former supervisors or colleagues who are willing to vouch for you helps offset the negative feelings a potential employer may have when he sees you were fired.
You are not supposed to speak to your boss in that way, he could have fired you.
Customers are angry, your company is loosing money — and with any luck, when everyone finds out it was you, you may actually get fired.
To achieve this step, you have to define appropriate operations that are executed whenever this event is fired.
If the outcome were affected by the order in which your rules are fired, then you would need to specify a different salience value for your rules.
You are right. She was being a good boss when she fired him, but I just felt sorry for him, that's all.
After I spent time watching his and other just-fired videos one evening, my young son asked, 'Mom, why are you watching crazy people?'
If you're excited about a new job, your friends might say you are "fired up" about the new job.
如果你为了新工作激动万分,你的朋友们可能会说你“fire up”(太激动了)。
Why are you always late? You're fired!
In the meantime, put forth your best effort where you are now because you still need recommendations and you need to not get fired.
In the meantime, put forth your best effort where you are now because you still need recommendations and you need to not get fired.