You are looking good yourself.
People tend to go to a lot of effort on a date (hopefully) so being told that you are looking good is a nice thing to hear.
You walk in the front door, Christ in majesty—on the left side are the damned writhing and on the right side are the blessed looking a good deal happier.
If you are looking for a fine dining place to go, the restaurant at upstair is definitely a good choice.
I'm not saying that if you're overweight you are going to get laid off, but you know employers are looking for every little excuse to get rid of people, so looking good is a great defense.
You walk in the front door, Christ in majesty -on the left side are the damned writhing and on the right side are the blessed looking a good deal happier.
If you are looking for some good business lessons or just wanting to kill a couple of hours watching an entertaining movie - check out 'Iron Man'.
This appendix should give you a good overview of the DOM data model and show you how to access the information you are looking for.
Your dad and best friend are only looking out for your best interests and it is difficult to convince them that somebody is good enough for you.
Both have good result if you are looking for a good gnocchi recipe or if you need a recipe to take care of all that basil and couscous in your house.
You discover a lot of God's will simply by looking at what you are good at.
'If you do have a good relationship, ask how things are looking for the next quarter,' Fireman said.
IMAGINE you are a woman at a party who spots a good-looking fellow standing alone in a corner.
You get bonus points if your looking away activities are ones that are good for you anyway.
But if you are looking for a good cliff-hanger, you might try some films voted among the best of the genre such as Psycho, North by Northwest, the French Connection, Rosemary's Baby, and Jaws.
Eyes are another good one - they're not the easiest thing to notice, and it shows you were looking at her face.
Monsieur, you are handsome, you are good-looking, you are witty, you are not at all stupid, you are much more learned than I am, but I bid you defiance with this word: I love you!
We all have our own ideas about what makes a great vacation, but no matter what you are looking for, there is a good chance that you will find it in Thailand.
It gives the appearance you are looking skinnier, but you are still storing the fat, which is not obviously a good thing.
When you are looking to purchase a home, it's a good idea to get it inspected first.
Here are some guidelines to help you find a good multivitamin that will provide you with the safety net you're looking for.
Now, some of you who are very cynical and/or very good looking might wonder "yes, but good-looking people like me actually are smarter, more competent, more social and morally better."
Function based estimation can be a good approach after you have your infrastructure in place and are looking at adding new portlets or components to the portal.
If you are looking for a simple and lightweight software to get the synchronization done quickly and easily, then Sharepod would be a good choice.
如果你在寻找一款简单和轻量级的软件来快速方便地同步,那么Share pod将是一个不错的选择。
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Are you looking forward to meeting your good friends again?