But be careful. These expressions are very informal and very strong. You would only use them with your close friends and peers.
Did you know that Mrs Lyons and Stapleton are very close friends?
It answers questions I have been unable to answer, Did you know that Mrs Lyons and Stapleton are very close friends?
When addressing friends, colleagues, or your boss, you should also give your full name and even your department, unless you are a very close friend.
You believe that people around may be your good friend, so you the people are very enthusiastic friendly, soon, you find you really have a batch of close friends.
'Friends or people who're very close in your life, those very few who really make your life special and are the ones you can bank upon in crisis.
'Friends or people who're very close in your life, those very few who really make your life special and are the ones you can bank upon in crisis.