At least you can tell the good guys from the bad guys.
If you hire him to take out the bad guys, make sure the bad guys aren't you!
When you click the link to correct the problem, you get a fake Web site, designed to look just like your bank's - and by logging in, you unwittingly supply your name and password to the bad guys.
Suppose you are a computer hacker and you discover a bug in a piece of software that, if it were known to the bad guys, would enable them to steal money or even a person's identity.
Some actors enjoy signaling the evil in characters called "bad guys," but you want to be a human being first of all.
有些演员喜欢在戏里被叫做' '坏蛋' ',但首先你会想成为一个普通人。
Some actors enjoy signaling the evil in characters called “bad guys,” but you want to be a human being first of all.
Interest by "the bad guys" in VNC is growing rapidly; be sure you use a strong password for VNC, one with at least eight characters, preferably mixing digits, letters, and other symbols.
If the bad guys get your password and that's all that protects your account, then [they] can do anything you can.
Have you seen any of those old Westerns where the posse rides after the bad guys in a cloud of dust?
You don't know where the bad guys are hiding, or where you go to reload your weapons, or what buttons you have to push to deactivate the tractor beam or whatever.
You are allowing the enemy (the bad guys, not your clients) to enter.
Next thing you know, disposable plastic bottles are the bad guys.
Still remember some "bad" guys coming to your home to give you something like pencils and erasers?
I don't know if you guys have ever seen a video, a sort of famously bad usability test of Winzip Anybody've seen that video?
Whenever a person claimed that all humans are bad guys, you may rest assured that in all this while he is himself as an exception.
Monica: You guys, I am not that bad!
Using "you guys" as an all-purpose substitute for the second-person plural is a bad habit that can undermine your message by making assumptions about how familiar your audience really wants to be.
Don't worry Boss, with my cataracts, you only sort of look like the bad guys.
Self-defense system: When you encounter bad guys, do not panic, do not be afraid, come up with the magic pen, press the black button.
Anything you hold against someone else you hold against yourself. All accusations are self-accusations. There are no bad guys, we can all WIN.
How could you guys think that I'm that bad?
Joey: C'mon, you guys, it wasn't that bad. It was better than that thing I did with the trolls, at least you got to see my head.
You should come back with more bad guys.
I have heard that you have a lot of bad guys on earth, who will protect me?
I have heard that you have a lot of bad guys on earth, who will protect me?