One example is when you enter your date of birth into a payroll application.
In astrology it matters a great deal the date that you choose to initiate a venture - it is the "birth" of that venture, forever affecting it in the future.
But if a column of type date is only used to store the date of birth of employees, you can map it to the DB2 date type.
但是,如果类型为DATE的一个列只用于存储雇员的生日,那么就可以将它映射为DB 2 date类型。
Even if you don't know the birth date, it is still possible to estimate your dog's age.
How old are you? When/where were you born? What is your age? Could you tell me your date of birth?
If you rush and do sign papers prior to this date, you will be giving birth to your venture at a bad time, for any planet in retrograde is considered weak.
The Zodiac is made up of 12 different sun signs. Your date of birth determines which one you are.
The Zodiac is made up of 12 different sun signs. Your date of birth determines which one you are.