M: no, I can wait for the ten days.Will you notify me when you receive the proceeds?
You can select Notify me once about updates to be notified only once (usually when Eclipse is started), or select the other option to be notified at specific intervals.
您可以选择Notify meonceaboutupdates,让它只通知一次(通常是启动Eclipse时),或选择其他选项,让它在特定的时间间隔通知您。
Can you notify me when he arrives?
Oh, please don't bother; I can wait for the ten days. Will you notify me when you receive the proceeds?
Can you notify me if there is any change in her condition?
If you can not rhyme to express tat, please notify me, you or I choose the right mode of transport and freight needed to let you know.
If you can not rhyme to express tat, please notify me, you or I choose the right mode of transport and freight needed to let you know.