It's very easy to spend four years majoring in English literature and come out no more employable than you were before you went in.
If you soak the tablecloth before you wash it, the stains should come out.
If you love me, you will come back, alive as before.
Before class, review your notes you have taken before you come to class.
Yes, you can, but you have to come back before 10:00.
Write down ideas as they come to you, tasks that you need to do, before you forget about them.
Long before you need to give your child "the talk" about the bird and bees, they will probably ask you many questions about where babies come from.
However, so you may see that I am grateful, I promise you that I will not attack you without warning, but instead will send my messengers to you before I come and take you away.
Before I leave them behind and come to you, guide me to be a good steward of those you put in my care.
Just as a medical doctor cannot treat an illness without knowledge of your history and the symptoms you are experiencing, you also need to come up with a diagnosis before tuning your subsystems.
Did you not promise me that you would send your messengers to me before you yourself would come?
When you come to appear before me, who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts?
In most cases you need to give value before you see any success come to you.
It's like solving a mathematical word problem. Before you can come up with an equation and an answer you must know your data.
Much of what we see in the universe... starts out as imaginary. Often you must imagine something before you can come to terms with it. — Clifford D. simak.
Clear horizontal surfaces before you leave the house - when you come home your place will look neat, roomy and fresh.
离开家里之前,打扫一下地面- - -回来时你会感觉家里整齐,宽敞,又耳目一新。
When you love someone you want nothing more than for them to be truly happy no matter what it takes because that's how much you care about them and because their needs come before your own.
By the time you come to work your colleagues might have gone through several such iterations before you are even aware of it.
Before you head out for dinner, try a glance through the pantry first, and see what creative meal you can come up with at home.
Remember you: Just like the airlines tell you that if the oxygen masks come down, put yours on before helping others, the same goes for stress.
Eventually, it will come up with a message asking you to reconnect using VNC, just like you did before in step 5.
And may God Almighty grant you mercy before the man so that he will let your other brother and Benjamin come back with you.
For people without a social phobia, the elevated heart beat, or nerves that come before public speaking help to prepare you or increase energy before you talk.
Let us tell you one more time: If you aren't cash-flow positive before you spend all the money we have given you, don't come back looking for more!
But before you come to the conclusion that keeping the self-perpetuating fire of fame burning is, in itself, a skill, I promise you that it is not. Anybody can do it.
Maybe you miss people more as you get older "but she'd come to terms with his absence many years before."
It repays innumerable readings and re-readings, so I urge you to read it seventy-five times, let's say, before you come to class on Monday.
Some questions will come up naturally, but you also can prepare some for the hiring manager before hand, such as "How did you start with the company, and what has your career progression been?"
Some questions will come up naturally, but you also can prepare some for the hiring manager before hand, such as "How did you start with the company, and what has your career progression been?"