Will you promise not to blab to Mom and Dad?
You have to be comfy on camera, but this is your first chance to say hello to mom and dad on camera.
"Mom, Dad," I said, signing, "I'd like you to meet my friend Evelyn and her mom."
To find out the answer to this question and see whether your height, largely a genetic gift (thanks mom and dad), will affect when you will die, read the next page.
Friending mom and dad, the boss, or other work colleagues opens up the details of your private life for the whole world to see - and you might not be entirely comfortable with that.
You might say, "Mom and Dad, I know I've disappointed you."
Like when you discovered it was Mom and Dad, not Santa, who were orchestrating the magic of Christmas.
Dad: Come on, you get the back seat, and Mom get the front seat.
How many times did you hear your mom or dad say as a kid “I worked hard to buy/make/microwave this food and you better eat it!”
If your tech un-savvy mom or dad emailed you tomorrow and said she or he needed an easy-to-use program for organizing and editing photos, you'd likely send them to download Picasa.
如果你那不懂技术的父母发电邮叫你明天给一个易于使用的管理和编辑照片的软件,您很可能会告诉他们——下载Picasa 。
This could be reading, dancing, your work or whether you like his dad, his mom and his grandmother. The important thing is to excite interest in children.
Thank you, Mom and Dad, for turning me on to such a groovy profession.
"You look beautiful," my dad whispered to my mom - and she surely did!
Children notice these little scrapes and bruises immediately and will come and show you…Mom, Dad, I got a boo-boo!
You just never know how your parent will act. Will your mom or dad show up drunk for school events or drive you (and your friends) home drunk?
Are mom and dad disappointed that you dropped out of school?
And you can't keep blaming Mom for dying, and Dad for leaving because I was there too.
You expect your mom and dad to care for you.
You have to be comfy on camera but this is your first chance to say hello to mom and dad on camera.
Question4: What do you think your mom and dad have in common?
If you're interested, your mom or dad can help you keep a food journal for a few days to get an idea of how much you're eating and if you're getting the nutrients you need.
You don't take out on your partner negative issues that belong with mom and dad or stem from an unhappy childhood.
"Only you can go in, Mom and Dad," he said, crestfallen.
Bye, Mom. And thank you so much again, Dad. Bye.
Here's the program, Dad. Can you and Mom come?
Don't feel regret when you don't have the chance to say "Mom" and 'Dad'.
Don't feel regret when you don't have the chance to say "Mom" and 'Dad'.