After you read the short story once or twice, you do not understand it.
Perhaps because they say too fast, so you do not understand it, and feel do not understand.
Always take time to read the contract, and seek out third-party advice if you do not understand it.
The father answered: "Your brothers have hurt themselves with it, leave it alone, you do not understand anything about it."
The value of this type of comprehension testing is that it enables you to find out what people do not understand.
While I do not agree with what you say, I understand your reason for saying it.
Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say. It does not matter. You are learning and improving.
Do your homework so you understand not only the job or promotion for which you are applying, but also the job of the senior executive above it.
While it may seem strange to do this, starting at the beginning of the modeling process will help you not only understand your code better, but assist you in the future when modeling other systems.
It is not necessary to download and install the following components to understand the principles outlined in this article, but you will certainly be more knowledgeable if you do.
I do not know how to explain it, but I said out loud: "Lord, I do not understand where you are, but I know you just healed my sister."
Remember - if there is really something you do not know or do not understand in your inner world - you will never be afraid to ask other people about it.
Or you may do so because you genuinely do not know of the evidence for evolution, have never had it explained to you, or because you just don't understand it.
A real-world example for information hiding is that you do not need to understand in detail how an automobile works to be able to drive it.
Not only do you get great ideas in a group setting, but it can also help to know that other students are going through the same thing and that they understand.
I don't think there is anything wrong with what you are doing, but I'm not sure it is terribly useful to people who are trying to understand how to do refactoring in an Agile context.
The beauty of it is that you do not have to understand the complexities of secure AA access to a telecom HSS server.
Them is something about all this that I do not understand: but if ever we need to know it, you may be sure that we shall.
So what shall we do to bring about a feeling that we are not separate, we are together, the feeling, the quality, the feeling of it - you understand?
If there really is a God, and You are It, why do You not reveal Yourself in a way we can all understand?
I do not understand the knowledge, you can ask it.
Here is the code for classinitializer. You do not need to understand it to use the decorator.
I came in with two engineering degrees, but no matter how intelligent you are, standing in front of those children, if they do not understand you, then it doesn't matter.
Do not regret if you never appreciate. Do not hate if you never try to understand. Do not judge until you experience it ourself.
Do not regret if you never appreciate. Do not hate if you never try to understand. Do not judge until you experience it ourself.