It is true you don't know what this is, Uncle Matt said, and put the bow back in his pocket.
You will heal, even if you cannot believe that now, just know that it is true.
So before you hit SEND to forward E-mail, ask yourself: do I know the item I'm sharing is true, or do I just want it to be?
We know this is true, because we just asked you about it.
Even if it is true, how do you know it will be true tomorrow?
If a model cannot be trusted to tell you true things that you want to know about the software system that it represents, then it is worse than useless, since it can lead you to the wrong conclusions.
If you've ever bought a car, played a game or joined a club to fit in, you know how hard it is to be true to yourself.
Hopefully you know the true agenda, but if not, it is always best to follow criticism with caution.
No matter what excuse you have, there is a way around it. You know it's true.
The problem with time I've learned, is that eventually time always runs out. No matter how many years go by, I know one thing to be as true as it ever was. I will see you soon, then.
It is all part of your planned evolution, and deep down you know this to be true.
People often ask me if I know the secret of success, and if I could tell other to make their dreams come true. My answer is, you do it by working.
Is it really true that you can win a Nobel prize just for observing that some people in markets know more than others?
You know that even if a product swears to help you it is not always true.
As a reporter you have been in his capacity as I would like to know how my best friend into the fire pit, is it true?
True love is hard to find, special one, one of a kind. I know because it appeared to me on a strange day I met you.
When you read in one paper that Liverpool want to get rid of you - even though you know it is not true - it is those little things which confuse you.
People often ask me if I know the secret of success, and if I could tell other to make their dreams come true. My answer is you do it by working.
If you look within you and you are capable of feeling an affinity with it, you will know this is true.
Of course, you know that it is not true factually.
If he is a jerk about it at least you know he wasn't a true friend!
If he is a jerk about it at least you know he wasn't a true friend!