This is the daisy , how could you say that I do not love her?
"I can say for sure that no one else loves me more than you do in this world," stated Sophia tearfully.
When you have to say something in English, think first and ask yourself" What words and phrases do I know in English that I can use in this situation?"
I wouldn't say that you do very well in a lot of things.
Because I was going to say, that's the first thing you need to do and without that we can't go ahead.
And do not thank me; do not say that I receive you in my house.
Some of the stuff you get in Decide will be from Do, namely, stuff that you have to re-decide upon. That’s what I wanted to say with “working both ways”.
Whenever you catch yourself thinking that you do not want some thing or a thought, you can then say, "Oh, I know what I do not want."
I can say that if this competition in which you plan to outstrip us is to do the best for both of our peoples and for peoples everywhere, there must be a free exchange of ideas.
That’s why I say use what you already have in reserve so that you know you can do better.
I have read much about America and American houses, and I do not think that this is exhibit and what you say is strictly accurate.
If you say, "why do I have Togo to work today," how's that going to affect your attitude?
You want me to say now that if we do not get into the top four I will quit.
You have the right to say that but before you do I want to show you why my life is out of balance and why your life should be out of balance too.
SIR I write these few lines to say that my Daughter is away from me at present, and I am not sure when she will return, but I will let you know as Soon as she do.
That's why I say use what you already have in reserve so that you know you can do better.
Thing I've got a little procedure that could do that, but you know the simplest thing I could do is to say well, gee, wait a minute, why don't I just check to see if these are the same thing?
First, I must say that I'm not in the favor of what is called affirmations, those little sentences you tell yourself and supposely do magic.
If you say, "Why do I have to go to work today?" how is that going to affect your attitude?
Try not to say things like "in my old job I used to do this". That could make you seem too aggressive or even annoying.
If I can't tell that a love is real, If a love might not love me, can I lie and say you do?
If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you.
I think that most Microsoft lawyers would say, 'You know, let's not do that; that sounds insane'.
Now, you might say, "I could be a poet and what does that have to do with finance?"
Well, it depends what you do. So, OK, actually here's an important thing that I didn't quite say.
I did the only thing I could do - all of us did - and you can't say much more than that.
I think before you take someone there (to the ICC), to put his name on the spot to say everyone this guy is a criminal, I think before to do that you have to be careful.
I think before you take someone there (to the ICC), to put his name on the spot to say everyone this guy is a criminal, I think before to do that you have to be careful.