Could you tell me if I should bring the matter up with her, or if it would be better for me to keep quiet?
(By the way if you said a number anywhere near this high, you are one extraordinary human being, and you shouldn't be reading this blog post, you should write a best selling book with me).
I would also be grateful if you could tell me what I should bring with me, for example, clothes, books or anything else I cannot get in Canada.
If I should not be troublesome to you, do me the favour to let me pass the night with you, and I shall be very much obliged by your hospitality.
I was pretty fed up when everyone failed to see what we had achieved in Iraq, but an audience with the Pope, who said, "It is you who should be baptising me", soon cheered me up.
I should be very much obliged to you if you could grant me a visiting scholar position and provide me with financial support.
But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self.
"Alas!" answered Two-eyes, "I suffer from hunger and thirst, grief and want, from early morning till late night; if you would take me with you, and deliver me from these things, I should be happy."
“哎呀!” 两只眼回答说:“我遭受着饥饿和干渴,从一清晨到夜晚都很忧伤和渴望;如果你能带我离开,从这里把我拯救出去,我会很开心的。”
There you differ with me, Miss Cathy,' I remarked; `I should conjecture him to be far worse.'
Do say you will. I think I should not be peevish with you: you'd not provoke me, and you'd always be ready to help me, wouldn't you?'
If I am wrong, we will have done no harm to look at the issue skeptically and critically, to consider how we should be resisting it. I hope you will join with me in doing so.
Be still that you should go over your good friend with me never ever?
I shall be very grateful if you should provide me with some necessary information.
You should show me some of your work some time. I'd be very interested to see what you have come up with.
I shall be very grateful if you should provide me with some necessary information.
Once you have considered all of these, you must agree with me that children should not be sent to school until the age of 7.
India is the largest competitors of China? You must be kidding me! India should compare herself with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc.
Please give me a few minute to calculate… Our asking price should be about $100 per unit with an order of 100. Is that price acceptable to you?
Above all, you should be honest with me right now.
What have I done that you should be so angry with me?
I don't think I can solve the problem after I move to the back, one of you should come with me, a heavy one will be better.
Papa would make you sing out, if you attempted to get there, 'he answered.' he says I'm not to be soft with Catherine: she's my wife, and it's shameful that she should wish to leave me.
I have brought my book, and if you would but rehearse it with me, I should be _so_ obliged!
I didn't tell you what he did, for fear that he should be angry with me.
I didn't tell you what he did, for fear that he should be angry with me.