I don't want you to visit me simply out of a sense of duty.
You see, I want to do philosophy rather than English, but my parents took me out of it.
If you want me to watch the kids for a couple of hours while you go out, just let me know.
If you want to experience the sheer joy of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, you'll take me up on this suggestion.
Because committing to something that you can't back out of seems to me like a step that you'd want to take even more carefully than something you thought you could reverse.
But if you turn out to hate me, or if you turn out to be messed up, or you get into drugs, you get into jail, and your life is messed up, I don't even want to live.
'if you want to drop out of the gift exchange, go ahead,' Clarissa told me the other day. 'But the rest of us are going ahead.'
It turns out, that this will be a bug, and I want you to think about why it's wrong for me to put this check here.
Seeing Wa Li’s attitude, Chen shouted at her, “I just go out of the hospital and the doctor said that I need to eat more nourishments. You want to send me away with such peanuts?”
看到王莉一副“打发”他的神情,陈勇军拿起钱咆哮着说: “我刚出院,医生说我需要多吃补养品,你就想拿这点钱打发我?”
As the police drag the suspect off he yells to Jack, "If you ever want to see your daughter again, get me out of this!"
Be sure to give me your name and location (and a link, if you want) so I can give you a little shout out.
You want me to let you walk out of here and see how far you get?
As a 19 year old ''young woman'' I would never choose beer when i'm out socialising, it would make me feel very bloated which isn't the feeling you want when you want to have a good time.
He pulled out a piece of gold, and putting it into Baba Mustapha's hand, said to him, "I do not want to learn your secret, though I can assure you you might safely trust me with it."
Hang on, let me spell that typo out: Is that the way you want to LOVE?
Rufus: You want them to throw me out?
"Yes, yes," answered Baba Mustapha, "I see you want to have me speak out, but you shall know no more."
Dad never talked about it again; mom walked out of the room, scolding me, saying "come talk to me next time you want to do that!"
Megaro points out, "you don't want to smell bad breath on other people and, trust me, they don't want to smell it on you!"
I've found out, Hareton, that I want — that I'm glad — that I should like you to be my cousin now, if you had not grown so cross to me, and so rough. '.
Tell me about yourself. What are your hopes and dreams? What do you want out of life? What will make you happy? How tall are you?
I want thank my entire MindTree family for spending their time in helping me get this article out. Thank you, guys!
我想要感谢Mind Tree全体成员,因为他们花了很多时间来让我们完成这篇文章,谢谢你们!
You want me to take you out of here?
I want you to tell me what you get out of them.
If you want to show me that four out of five dentists prefer Trident and that we need to target the fifth one, show me a picture of 5 dentists, but make one of them stand out.
You want me to take that out of your paycheck?
Tell me where you want to go and I'll work out a route.
Johnny thinks you can't fix it, that's why I thought you might want me to go out there.
Johnny thinks you can't fix it, that's why I thought you might want me to go out there.