"But remember," she said, "I must lock the cottage door against those huntsmen, so when you come back in the evening, and knock, I shall not admit you, unless you say, 'Dear little sister let me in."
Will you remember it and thank me with your eyes when I stand before you with empty hands at the leave- taking of my summer days ?
Remember the two months you didn’t speak to me when I said you were rash for getting married so fast?
If I behave with skepticism when you say you didn't want to ruin my nice reusable bag, please remember that the point of a reusable bag is to help prevent me from accumulating more plastic bags.
Roy: you know, when I left you this afternoon, I couldn't remember what you looked like, not for the life for me.
Remember when you told me that you liked me?
You remember what story I told you when you were stitching me up?
Do you remember what story I told you when you were stitching me up?
When you take your indifference to her after so many years in front of me, do you still remember once promise to me.
How do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older?
Remember when I first met you, you did not leave me what a good impression, but you can not stand lingering in my mind, a long time, can the fermentation beat all things, sweet taste.
How do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older?
You remember, when you have children, be sure to let me know.
Carol: Do you remember when you proposed to me? I was so overwhelmed, I couldn't speak for an hour.
May be you do not remember me, no matter. When you carefully look at me, you will one see clock.
Remember the two months you didn't speak to me when I said you were rash for getting married so fast?
So then I thought, I'd like you to have something to remember me by, you know, if you meet some veela when you're off doing whatever you're doing.
I remember a certain famous occasion when you forced me toconfess that you had been drinking.
Always remember, when you assume you make an ass of you and me!
When I wished to retire into a convent, you remember how angry you were with me?
Maybe you do not remember me, no matter. When you carefully look at me, you will one see clock.
No matter who you love. At least I remember when you used to love me.
I remember that you had spoken to me that you were grieved when you say this word.
You remember when you asked me to marry you? You said you dreamt that we'd grow old together.
Maybe when you see me you will remember how beautiful life is too!
May be you do not remember me, no matter. When you carefully look at me, you will one see clock.
Do you remember when you asked me to marry you? You say you dream of us grow old together.
'I remember, dear,' Rita said with a smile. 'When we married, you always gave me the bigger part. Why do you give me the smaller one now'?
'I remember, dear,' Rita said with a smile. 'When we married, you always gave me the bigger part. Why do you give me the smaller one now'?