A million young Britons are out of work and prospects for many others are grim.
Its findings come at a time when young Britons are increasingly binge drinking, which has serious health risks.
Housing was grotesquely overpriced; prices are slumping; in time they will reach a level at which poorer young Britons can buy themselves a home.
In London, concern rose about the steady stream of young Britons finding their way to the tribal areas, often facilitated by hardline Pakistani groups.
Whatever the reasons, a moral malaise has gripped a minority of young Britons, a subgroup that is nevertheless big enough to terrorise and humiliate the country.
First, they are trying to fix an education system that has long put quantity ahead of quality, churning out young Britons with debased qualifications that fail to impress employers.
Last month the Daily and Sunday express-which also specialise in indignation-put immigration on the front page six times, under such headlines as "Migrants Rob Young Britons of Jobs".
Brexit is terrible because it deprives young Britons of the right to choose where to live, study and work. It deprives them of a European identity many believed they possessed forever.
Nagging concerns about the global economic downturn and rising unemployment are forcing many young Britons to think twice about tying the knot this year, a think-tank said on Saturday.
Young Britons have taken to a new television and social media trend which could have far-reaching consequences for the worlds of broadcasting and advertising, according to a new study.
Young Britons were found to be worst at making the effort, with nearly half -47 per cent -of those aged 16 to 24 admitting they have never spoken the foreign language they learned at school.
They also warn Britons' increasing thirst for alcohol could spawn an epidemic of brain damage, with young drinkers starting to experience memory problems while still in their 40s.
They also warn Britons' increasing thirst for alcohol could spawn an epidemic of brain damage, with young drinkers starting to experience memory problems while still in their 40s.