A spike, a young buck, walks into a clearing near the feeder.
Maybe he was some young buck trying to Push me aside , grab the reins of my company.
The young buck was a little embarrassed, but he did not see it as any kind of warning.
Many of the stories people told Xinran were not essentially different from the accounts Pearl Buck had listened to as a young woman 70 or 80 years earlier.
For celebrities, licensing virtual products is a new way to make a buck and stay hip with a young crowd.
In the most magical moment, the young Nineteen Hundred (Cory Buck) presses his nose against a stained-glass partition to observe the blurred images of whirling, formally attired ballroom dancers.
But, if less idealised, it is a lot more human and exhibits one very human characteristic in particular: he might have been the Lord of all he saw, but young King Tut had buck teeth.
Seven guys who are looking to make a quick buck arrive at the desolate Dog Days bar to audition as "hosts" - young men paid to entertain female patrons with their charm and smooth talk.
Seven guys who are looking to make a quick buck arrive at the desolate Dog Days bar to audition as "hosts" - young men paid to entertain female patrons with their charm and smooth talk.