According to the World Health Organization (WHO), overweight children are more likely to develop diseases like diabetes at a younger age.
Road traffic fatality rates are higher in younger age groups.
Serious cases of influenza are also primarily hitting younger age groups.
In fact, Intel's commitment to education begins at an even younger age.
The habit may lead to people requiring medical spine care at a younger age.
And his memory infused me, at a younger age than most, with a sense of my own mortality.
Zhang says another alarming trend is that girls are getting pregnant at a younger age.
"It's very scary, knowing the chimps seem to be dying at a younger age," Jane told me.
In younger age groups it is doing even worse: for those aged 25-34 it ranks a worrying 23rd.
Fatal injuries attributable to alcohol consumption tend to occur in relatively younger age groups.
'It is likely that the virus will continue to cause serious disease in younger age groups,' she said.
A trick for teaching children colors at a younger age — and why it is otherwise so hard for them.
We've got to train specialist coaches in the younger age groups and there has to be an investment in that.
It's easy to learn, and it's very important to learn little at younger age, so you can move them along.
In his opinion, the occurrence of "rich people's diseases" at a younger age is associated with an unhealthy diet.
There is also good evidence that sun protection campaigns have reduced the incidence of melanoma in younger age groups.
A closely related question is whether the illness tends to be more serious in younger age groups as well as more common.
This heightened risk takes on added importance for a virus, like this one, that preferentially infects younger age groups.
No, the kid's probably not color blind. A trick for teaching children colors at a younger age — and why it is otherwise so hard for them.
It suggests that, due to an increasing lack of exercise, diseases such as diabetes are becoming more prevalent among a younger age group.
Such a policy distorts the age structure: the proportion of population in the younger age groups goes down and proportion of the elderly increases.
Even people who have smoked for many years, or smoked heavily at a younger age, show less facial wrinkling and improved skin tone when they quit smoking.
Conclusions. Our results showed that a younger age and radical surgery in conjunction with anti-TB chemotherapy were significant favorable prognostic factors.
The report shows that a younger age, a high level of education and a high income are the three major features of Amazon China's cross-border online consumers.
Influenza pandemics can have an even bigger impact in the wider population, including younger age groups, because of a lack of population immunity to the new strain.
Influenza pandemics can have an even bigger impact in the wider population, including younger age groups, because of a lack of population immunity to the new strain.