All of this is living in bad faith, trying to escape responsibility for your own life.
When you believe in someone or something the true test of your faith is during the bad times not during the good!
Don't get even: No matter what your partner has done or however they've wronged you in the past, don't retaliate or act in bad faith.
Therefore, whether you are a left-home person or a layperson, if you have taken refuge with me and truly have faith in me, you must reform your bad habits and faults and empty out your garbage can.
Don n't get even: No matter what your partner has done or however they've wronged you in the past, don't retaliate or act in bad faith.
Because if you're a good person who does more good things than bad things, your faith in life is reaffirmed when you bite into a sandwich.
Your acting in bad faith - sometimes I really do not know what I use now to believe you?
Your acting in bad faith - sometimes I really do not know what I use now to believe you?