Leave your checkbook and credit CARDS at home.
On top of your checkbook, I suggest you write or paste something there that says, "Release."
Record all of your wins and losses, deposits and withdraws as if you were balancing your checkbook.
If money is keeping you stuck, it's time to think about prioritizing your happiness over your checkbook.
The interest is printed on your monthly statement so you'll know to add it into your checkbook yourself.
Take a moment to think about the way you use a simple handheld calculator to balance your checkbook each month.
Take some time today to dig out your checkbook or bank statements or your calendar or PalmPilot showing your daily appointments and commitments. Study them.
The man who steals your checkbook and signs your name to one of the checks has committed the offense of forgery, for which he may be penalized by fine and imprisonment.
You may want to stop here. Take out your monthly bills that you have to pay and your checkbook (or the checks included in this chapter). Then just write the checks one at a time.
If you are home, you may want to take your checkbook out and look at the bills you pay on a monthly basis. Either that or you can look at the page of blank checks on the facing page.
If you're one of those responsible types who balances a checkbook, you can try writing every purchase to the next dollar to create an invisible buffer in your account.
A balanced checkbook and a savings account not only increase your future options, but also protect your cool lifestyle.
If you're not using your smile, you're like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook.
If on the other hand, your partner has been behaving badly, well, then, you will have to take hold of the checkbook and let the chips fall where they may.
Then, every time you take the checkbook out, if you have resistance, you can release the "I can't" feelings in your feeling center.
Holds your credit CARDS, currency, COINS, checkbook, lipstick and a slim cell phone.
Get your own coffee, balance your own checkbook, and do your own holiday shopping.
Holds your credit CARDS, currency, checkbook and identification.
Holds your credit CARDS, currency, checkbook and identification.