The Zazzle shop has made around $4200.00 from the 12, 000+ visits they've received since June 25th.
The next question the Fail Whale community wanted to address was getting the word out about the Zazzle shop.
Zazzle, of Redwood City, California, offers a dizzying array of user-designed products from posters to tennis shoes.
The Fail Whale fan club at now actively promotes the Zazzle store as well as the additional shop that Yiying Lu opened up for t-shirts and accessories at
现在失能白鲸粉丝俱乐部在 failwhale.com积极地宣传Zazzle商店和 Yiyin Lu 在 failwhaleshop.com开的T恤和配件商店。
Disney has uploaded more than 3, 500 of its designs to Zazzle, allowing the company to sell a wider range of products than just the blockbuster Mickey Mouse T-shirts favored by conventional retailers.
Disney has uploaded more than 3, 500 of its designs to Zazzle, allowing the company to sell a wider range of products than just the blockbuster Mickey Mouse T-shirts favored by conventional retailers.