Project zenith Angle and beacon wavelength have much influence on the angular separation.
The reverse time of the crest motion depends on the smallest zenith Angle and on solar cycle.
As expected, the measured brightness temperatures change with view zenith angle, view azimuth angle, and the Sun position.
Worm gears are adopted for driving rotational motion along azimuth Angle and power screws are used for raising zenith Angle.
The results show that the detectable stellar magnitude limits linearly increase with observing height and solar zenith angle.
Also, the paper analyses the error caused by capillary action of liquid, error precision, zenith Angle of hole and container diameter.
Along with the increase of the zenith Angle and height above ground of an optical transmitter, the extent of the time-averaging effect decreases.
Transmission of Solar Radiation by Clouds over Snow and Ice Surfaces: a Parameterization in Terms of Optical Depth, Solar Zenith Angle, and Surface Albedo.
The solutions describe stokes intensity as a function of inter pulse spacing, distance and zenith Angle in a uniform medium and in nonuniform medium (atmosphere).
Based on the atmospheric transmission model, through the actual ray track, the zenith Angle is revised, which is a complicated function with launch Angle and altitude.
Only when the incidence zenith Angle is equal to Brewster Angle of water, the traditional method of peeling-off sun glitter is valid that is based on the light's polarized character.
When using a single reference to measure the bi-directional scattering distribution function (BSDF), the incident zenith angle of the tested sample must be identical to that of the reference.
When using a single reference to measure the bi-directional scattering distribution function (BSDF), the incident zenith angle of the tested sample must be identical to that of the reference.