For an object to be in rotational equilibrium about a certain point, the total torque about this point must be zero.
Finally, after each sampling and cleaning sequence the measurements’ zero point ischecked with a water freeness measurement to make sure the next reading isrepeatable.
So, actually I want you to go ahead in your notes and circle that zero point and write "not a node."
It's going to be close to the zero point.
I could have chosen my zero point of potential energy anywhere I please.
I could have chosen it right here and nothing would change other than that I offset the zero point B of my potential energy.
Magnetics are by definition polar. Crystalline energy is non-polar, zero point!
It is the point at which particles have a minimum energy, determined by quantum mechanical effects, which is called the zero-point energy.
There is a specific function for converting the measured millivolts from the TMP36 to degrees Celsius, changing from a range of 0-1023 to 1 to 5, finding the zero point and scaling the result by 100.
有一个特定的函数可以将从TMP36测得的毫伏数转变为摄氏度,范围也将从0-1023 转改为从1-5,找到零点后即可将结果缩放 100。
It's not clear why this extrapolation was used or what conclusions can be drawn from it; the molecular surface tension could just as easily be asymptotic with respect to the zero point.
Interval - an interval scale is a scale of measurement in which the distance between any two adjacent units of measurement (also known as intervals) is the same, but the zero point is arbitrary.
The molecular surface tension could just as easily be asymptotic with respect to the zero point.
It will have a videophone and a holographic computer and will use zero-point technology.
The Ascension in simplistic terms, is the expansion of the earth from the (magnetic) polarity of the 1st three dimensions to the zero-point fields of the crystalline dimensions.
There is no further need to pollute planet Earth once free energy, zero point energy devices are in the public domain.
Important factors include the sampling rate, the zero point of pressure sensor, and the correct calibration of sensor, the revised program and algorism may improve the precision of measurement.
The zero point of the density scale is defined by having no specimen in the densitometer.
The problem of choice of zero point of electric potential is analyzed. concentrating on how to choose and the limited conditions.
In ethical value's coordinate system, the coordinate zero point is "I", I with other people, I with the society, I with the nature, all relations am "I" launch by the main body.
Zero Point · 21-21 Century Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai.
零度·21 - 21世纪中国现代艺术展,上海师范大学,上海。
Use the ZPE (zero point energy) , revise the whole energy.
The basis set superposition error (BSSE) and zero point energies (ZPE) corrections are absolutely necessary for the interaction energies of the clusters.
Zero point energy is the energy that surrounds us all, without it all the universe wouldn't exist.
Such change is taking place throughout your solar system, which allows your scientists to observe at close quarters how zero-point energy and matter operate in the galaxy.
For dissociation energy, zero point vibration energy (ZPVE) is calculated and basis set superposition error (BSSE) is corrected by counterpoise method.
All the binding energies have been corrected by the basis set superposition error (BSSE) and zero point energies (ZPE).
The intermolecular interaction energy is calculated with MP2 electron correlation correction, basis set superposition error (BSSE) correction and zero point energy (ZPE) correction.
The factors which have influence over the null depth and zero point position of two basic microwave antenna difference beams are analyzed theoretically from the point of engineering application.
The factors which have influence over the null depth and zero point position of two basic microwave antenna difference beams are analyzed theoretically from the point of engineering application.