Established a method determining the content of trace elements copper, zinc, manganese, lead, chromium, calcium, nickel of haematitum and red ore by FAAS.
They found no noted differences between conventional and organic crops with regard to vitamin c, magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc and copper content.
The nutritional factors affecting fat metabolism in piglets including carnitine, choline, betaine, lecithin, high content copper and zinc were reviewed.
The method was suited for the control of zinc, copper and iron content in porcelain insulator pla…
The result show that zinc, copper, iron, chromium, mangan, nickel, cadmium, calcium content in 6 biologicals are the most rich in ant factor injection liquid.
结果表明,6种生物制剂中锌、铜、铁、铬、锰、镍、镉、钙均以蚂蚁因子含量最高,钾含量则以转移因子、 胸腺肽较丰富;
Brass (Brass) : Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, general zinc content in the 30 to 40%, the color of the Brass between with the increase of the content of zinc from dark red.
黄铜(Brass):黄铜是铜和锌的合金,一般锌含量在30 ~ 40%之间,黄铜的颜色随锌含量的增加从暗红色。
Objective to probe into change and influence of content of zinc and copper in acute myocardial ischemic.
Objective: Probe into change and influence of content of zinc and copper in acute myocardial ischemic.
2 brass (copper zinc alloy) : it can be increased with the increase in zinc content can be changed into a light yellow color yellow.
2 brass (copper zinc alloy) : it can be increased with the increase in zinc content can be changed into a light yellow color yellow.