It started with things like assessing credit risk from loan applications, sorting the mail by reading handwritten zip codes.
We have opened the ZIP archive and prepared the files for use by saving them to a local directory and listed the contents, perhaps in preparation to modify the original ZIP file.
Ebay is perhaps the largest company to embrace the local buying trend, allowing users to filter by ZIP code to find local merchants.
We’ve made this exploration a bit easier by organizing the code as an Eclipse project and packaging that into a ZIP file.
我们已经通过将代码组织成Eclipse项目,再打包到 ZIP 文件中,使得这种探索简单一点。
You can extract a PHD dump from a jextracted system dump by loading the ZIP into jdmpview and executing the heapdump command (see Resources).
You can also create ZIP archives for sending your prototypes by email.
These are only three of the zip codes that were returned in XML by the REC2XML call.
在 REC2XML 调用返回的XML中只有三个邮政编码。
Had the most, 41, including several from companies that track health conditions and one that says it can target consumers by dozens of factors, including zip code and race.
In the first query, the filtering predicate is expressed on the CHAR column "Zip" generated by the XMLTABLE function.
A two-phase approach is required to process the data (TreeMap containing LocationDTO objects), because the Location data Provider returns a TreeMap sorted by zip code.
For the names of the files referenced by the ZIP and PDF ICONS, we use the filename attribute again.
But once you're done, you may want to copy the class file to another directory or zip it up to send it to someone else by E-mail.
You can check out the source code by downloading the zip file referenced in the download section.
While many of the raised structures are connected by zip lines only, the community is continuing to develop a sky bridge that currently connects a smaller cluster of tree houses.
The files are compressed into a ZIP file using one of many compression algorithms, but they all operate the same way: by removing redundant data or whitespace.
To simplify the final build and packaging of the plug-in, use your favorite IDE to create a project that has the same directory structure that is required by the final ZIP archive.
为了简化最终的构建和插件的打包,可以使用您喜欢的IDE创建一个项目,该项目应具有与最终 ZIP 归档文件相符的目录结构。
The show opened with Eisenberg performing a monologue, before being joined by Andy Samberg in his Zuckerberg costume – for the record, a wig and zip-up sweatshirt.
Which would explain why summer seems to zip by, except the seasons are a function of the tilt of the Earth's axis, not its different distances from the sun.
Perched above the forest floor, these tree houses are connected by zip lines and sky Bridges, accessible by stairs and ladders from the ground level.
Geographic targeting can take on multiple forms: by country, region, locality, Zip code, and even GPS coordinates (mobile).
You will need to build your own custom validation components for data types that aren't supported by the standard JSF validators, including E-mail addresses and zip codes.
We start out by creating a new ZIP archive object in line one.
Decompress this zip file to the root of the c: drive on the server machine. They will be correctly located by the API Sample application.
We list what is in the ZIP archive, file by file.
If you are using your own data model files, or have unpacked the zip file into a different location, you can provide these Settings by adjusting the parameters in the file.
如果您使用自己的数据模型文件,或将压缩文件解压缩到不同位置,可以通过调整sample . properties文件中的参数进行设置。
The example in Listing 21 creates a query that orders its result by name and then edits the query to order also by ZIP code.
You'll get a report of how many bytes you can save by optimizing your images and all the changed images as a single zip for download.
The second example, here, builds upon the first example, by incorporating a scenario wherein you would want to zip up the list of files you got as a result of the search.
这里的第二个例子构建在第一个例子的基础上,但是包含了一个场景,在此场景中,需要将搜索到的文件打包到zip 文件中。
Nonetheless, the added custom code draws greater resources from the test machine, although not significantly more than those freed by the zip machine.
But in some cases, setuptools decides (or is told by switches) that a package should not be zip-compressed.