Porous ceramic materials on the base of strontium zirconate were developed with zirconium dioxide, baddeleyite powder, and granular polystyrol.
Mr Mphepö’s pixels are pieces of zirconium dioxide, 30 microns across, that have been coated on one side with a layer of silver 1.23 microns thick.
The zirconium dioxide oxygen sensor with heater is equipped on shanghai BUICK to check the air-fuel ratio of the mixture.
The system which is applied to grader the Zirconium dioxide superfines after ball milling is introduced, specially the features of the centrifugal grader.
The preparation processes of nanometer zirconium dioxide were introduced. Their advantages and disadvantages were discussed.
The Improvement of the production technology of 10 thousand tons of zirconium oxychloride has resulted in economic effectiveness:(1) The recovery rate of zirconium dioxide has been improved;
前言: 通过对晶安高科万吨氧氯化锆生产工艺的研究改进,在生产中取得较好的经济效益,(1)洗渣中二氧化锆回收率提高;
The Improvement of the production technology of 10 thousand tons of zirconium oxychloride has resulted in economic effectiveness:(1) The recovery rate of zirconium dioxide has been improved;
前言: 通过对晶安高科万吨氧氯化锆生产工艺的研究改进,在生产中取得较好的经济效益,(1)洗渣中二氧化锆回收率提高;