• 毕业甚至不能保证找到体面工作如今每10个毕业生中就有6个从事不需要大学文凭的工作

    Graduating doesn't even provide any guarantee of a decent job: six in ten graduates today are in non-graduate jobs.


  • 不要太多英语它们不会找到体面工作

    Don't take many English courses; they won't help you get a decent job.


  • 每人急于得到体面工作

    Everyone is too anxious to get a decent job.


  • 体面的工作工作洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室

    And has a wonderful career, and went to Los Alamos National Laboratory.


  • 来说,毕业生找到体面工作太难了,不想失去工作机会

    According to her, it is so hard for graduating students to find a decent job that she doesn't want to lose the working opportunity.


  • 再次今天如果没有上过大学不可能找到一份体面工作的。

    Once more, a person if has not gone to college today, he was impossible to find a dignified work.


  • 再次今天如果没有大学,可能找到一份体面的工作的。

    Again, if a man does not have on today's college, he could not find a decent job.


  • 同学们在进行职前培训他们只是希望毕业找到一份体面的工作

    My peers are pre-professional: they just want to be able to find decent jobs after graduation.


  • 对凯利来说网上工作完全意外之财,几个努力体面的工作处处碰壁

    Working online has been a financial windfall for Kelly, who struggled for months to find a decent job but kept hitting dead ends.


  • 想象刚刚大学毕业无法找到体面工作?你到底从事什么工作甚至如何设计人生

    Imagine: you 've just left college with a degree, but decent jobs are impossible to find? What the heck can you do for work, and indeed with your life?


  • 如果正在体面工作下属喜欢跟随你,工作也完成了,那么你的工作可能会开始走下坡路了。

    If you are doing a decent job, your reporting employees like and get along with you, and the job is getting done, you'll likely coast for awhile.


  • 美好生活意味着体面工作,高质量生活环境美满家庭并不是什么公平或是拯救鲸鱼之类的。

    The good life consists of having a decent job, a decent standard of living and a nice family, not of fighting for justice or saving whales.


  • 如今毕业生来说,找到体面工作是个严峻考验,而由此又带来了另同样艰巨任务就是和恋人道别

    Recently, landing a decent job is a difficult ordeal for graduating students to fulfill, one rendered all the more daunting by the equally tough task of saying goodbye to the ones they love.


  • 披露,由于经济萧条对就业市场影响深远未来几个月内即将走出大学校园的多数学生并不指望找到体面的工作

    The majority of students leaving university in coming months do not expect to land decent jobs, it was revealed, as the recession continues to have a "profound effect" on the employment market.


  • 如今许多训练有素专业人士不论是CEO还是律师还是税务专家发现越来越丹麦就业市场找到一份体面的工作

    Many highly-trained professionals, ranging from former CEOs to lawyers and tax experts are currently finding it increasingly difficult to find decent employment on the Danish job market.


  • 相信自己商业头脑,但是,由于贫穷星球上,大多数工作机会怎么合法,因此,他无法找到体面工作来施展自己的才华。

    He was unable to find a decent job that suited the business acumen he believed he had since most employment opportunities on the impoverished planet were less than legal.


  • 举例来说,如果介意薪水高低同事共事,那么你发现坚持你个体的价值取向:从事一份体面的工作社会意义,是相当困难的。

    For instance, if you work with colleagues who just care about the paycheck, you might find it tough to stick to what's important to you: doing a good job and playing a valuable role in society.


  • 处于困境中的年轻人大都20-30岁之间,出生于上世纪被称为迷茫年代九十年代,他们不能找到一份体面的稳定工作

    The predicament of Japanese in their 20s and 30s dates back to the lost decade of the 1990s, when many failed to find good, stable work.


  • 米盖尔现在在做一份体面工作

    Miguel: He has a good job now.


  • 读过大学因此不由自主地感到飘飘然了,我有着一份体面的白领工作无奈地在这里倒咖啡

    He was also college educated, and I couldn't help feeling smug since I had a good, white-collar job while he was stuck there serving me coffee.


  • 最初成为名记者时,我认识放弃一份每日电讯报》的报酬优厚体面工作,而的周刊报纸任编辑

    When I first became a reporter I knew a man who gave up a very well paid respectable job at the Daily Telegraph to go and edit a small weekly newspaper.


  • 最初成为名记者时,我认识放弃一份每日电讯报》的报酬优厚体面工作,而的周刊报纸任编辑

    When I first became a reporter I knew a man who gave up a very well paid respectable job at the Daily Telegraph to go and edit a small weekly newspaper.


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