The flooding of Yellow River led to the change of soil microelement, which in turn played an invisible role in the disintegration of the civilization of Huanghuaihai Plain.
The channel form is manipulated by an invisible hand-the combination mechanism of the basic elements.
The world, the country, the society and even the families operation are all manipulated by an invisible hand.
Adam Smith's elaboration on the interest base and dynamic mechanism of economic service lies in the analyses of the function of "an invisible hand."
Yet, behind this veneer of free expression lies a murky world of cyber bullies and unscrupulous webmasters who are manipulating the media to either promote or smear a company's image for profit.
For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the unseen.
We are sufficiently pleased with the current state of market activity and will admit to having a hand in this.
It is like an "invisible hand" in the international system, which is able in coordinating or balancing the relationship among power, system and identity.
It is like an "invisible hand" in the international system, which is able in coordinating or balancing the relationship among power, system and identity.