In other words, your children are just as safe on Halloween as any other day of the year.
This allows control of the species to be carried out by landowners in England at all times of year, subject to providing Defra with details of the Numbers of birds culled.
Green beans are one of the healthiest foods you can eat during the holidays (or any time of year).
When to Go: Visitors can come to Luzhou at any time during the year, though the end of summer and early autumn are especially favorable for visiting.
When to Go: Visitors can come to Luzhou at any time during a year, and the end of summer and early autumn are especially favorable for visiting.
Pumas can breed all year but usually in winter they slow down -- this year because of the warm weather we will see Puma 'kittens' two months early, " Kozlov said.
9/17 这一年,大量的科学论文阐述了北极冰层和格陵兰冰雪融化的速度比以往任何时候的快,创造了北极融化英尺数新高。
9/17The year saw a flood of scientific papers showing Arctic ice and the Greenland ice sheet is melting faster than ever, leading to a race for the new riches of the Arctic.
We had the highest fatalities among U. S. troops this past year than at any time since 2002.
I think you can go anytime. You know, Kunming is the Spring City. The weather there is always fine all year round.
For use any time day or night. Available for periods between 7 days and a year.
Drive through France at any time of the day, week, month or year and 95% of the country appears to be uninhabited or fast asleep.
The setting of this hotel makes it ideal for spending pleasant relaxed days with friends or family at any time of year.
At that time our father insisted on a delay of a year, and now six months, half of the period specified, is over, and I remain firmer than ever in my resolution.
At that time our father insisted on a delay of a year, and now six months, half of the period specified, is over, and I remain firmer than ever in my resolution.