• 喜欢狼吞虎咽一直自己感觉,增可能那些细嚼慢咽适量吃的人要高出

    People who gobble down their food and eat until they feel full are three times more likely to get fat compared with people who eat slowly and modestly.


  • 女校毕业的女孩成为工程师可能那些男女同校的女孩的

    Girls who graduate from single-sex schools are three times more likely to become engineers than those who attend coeducational schools.


  • 证据表明卫氏并殖吸虫三倍型虫株的蛋白质及其抗原之间存在着高度的同源

    The evidence demonstrated that there was extensive homology of the proteins and antigens between diploid and triploid Paragonimus westermani.


  • 然而紫外线会伤害皮肤导致癌症日晒释放太阳的紫外线,这使它们可能很危险并且使人上瘾

    However, UV rays also damage the skin and cause cancer, and tanning beds give off three times more UV than the sun, making them both potentially dangerous and addictive.


  • 对于大多数生产门户而言,可用需要不断地增加某些情况下,这可能使基础设施复杂提高两三倍

    Add the need for high availability that is necessary for most production portals, and your infrastructure complexity might double or triple, in some cases.


  • 研究显示,被外派出国工作的管理人员激动人心的境外工作岗位归来后第一年内辞职可能同僚的

    Managers coming back from exciting foreign postings are three times as likely to quit their jobs within the first year of their return, according to research.


  • 越南最贫困家庭家禽收入依赖超过最富裕家庭的

    In Vietnam, for example, he says the poorest households rely more than three times as much on poultry income than the richest households.


  • 男孩停学可能女孩被开除的可能女孩的

    Boys are twice as likely to get suspended as girls, and three times as likely to be expelled.


  • 研究过程中,走路慢的人死亡可能走路快的人高出

    The slowest walkers were nearly three times more likely to die during the study period than swifter walkers.


  • 严重清晨恶心呕吐现象孕妇有比普通孕妇可能早产,她们婴儿出现体重过现象的可能也增加三倍

    Women who suffered from extreme early morning sickness were three times more likely to give birth prematurely and the baby was nearly three times more likely to be of low weight.


  • 接触室内浓烟妇女阻塞肺病(比如,慢支气管炎)的可能使用较为清洁燃料的妇女的

    Women exposed to heavy indoor smoke are three times as likely to suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (e.g. chronic bronchitis), than women who use cleaner fuels.


  • 另外比较笑容等级最低最高的人时,笑容最少的离婚可能笑容最多的人

    On the other hand, comparing only the lowest-scoring people with the highest-scoring, the least-smiling were three times more likely than the biggest smilers to divorce.


  • 过去年内,由于过量全球流动资金刺激股价已经增至原来的三倍,这远远超出其自身价值而且迟迟未见回落。

    Having tripled over the previous three years, share prices, fuelled by excessive global liquidity, had got ahead of themselves and a correction was overdue.


  • 堕胎青少年可能出现心理问题精神健康医院的可能一般青少年几乎

    Teens who abort are more likely to develop psychological problems, and are nearly three times more likely to be admitted to mental health hospitals than teens in general.


  • 福岛县饮用水这些放射元素含量如果再增加三倍,水不再适于饮用

    The amounts of such elements were roughly one-quarter the levels that will make the water unfit to drink, Fukushima prefecture said.


  • 那里的强制入网(Feed - in tariffs)保证25太阳能源市场价提高最大三倍同时通过立法所有新建建筑中融入太阳能技术

    Feed-in tariffs there guarantee 25 years of up to triple the market price for solar energy, and legislation would require all new buildings to include solar technology.


  • 因此,今年我们面临一个正常年份可能槽糕流感季节——而且还没有考虑是否这种病毒会比正常的季节流感病毒更难对付。

    So we are heading for a flu season which is perhaps three times worse than usualnot allowing for whether this virus is more severe than normal seasonal flu viruses.


  • 婚姻项目发现大学学位婚姻离婚可能大学学位之人的

    The Marriage Project has found that people without a college degree are three times as likely to divorce in the first 10 years as those with a college degree.


  • 年轻驾驶员中,25岁以下年轻汽车碰撞死亡可能几乎年轻

    Among young drivers, young males under the age of 25 years are almost 3 times as likely to be killed in a car crash as young females.


  • 其中一项结果显示低收入国家60之前死于传染疾病的可能大约收入国家的

    One of the findings shows that men and women in low-income countries are around three times more likely to die of NCDs before the age of sixty than in high-income countries.


  • 暴露室内浓烟阻塞肺病的可能正常情况下三倍

    Both women and men exposed to heavy indoor smoke are 2-3 times more likely to develop COPD.


  • 英国癌症研究院发表报告发现服用类药物可能接受治疗女性的

    A report by the Institute of cancer Research found women taking the drug are almost three times more likely to develop cancer than those that are not on it.


  • 小学生饮酒要比使用非法药物可能

    Pupils are three times more likely to drink alcohol than use illegal drugs.


  • 鼓膜破裂患者发生冲击颅脑损伤的可能增加至

    Those with ruptured eardrums had a nearly threefold greater risk of concussive brain injury.


  • 研究过程中,走路慢的人死亡可能走路快的人高出

    Thee slowest walkers were nearly three times more likely to die during the study period than swifter walkers.


  • 专家认为由于更具挑战条件下海上风机产生稳定产生陆上电力。

    Experts believe that because of the more challenging conditions, the power offshore wind turbines generate will be consistently two to three times as expensive as on land.


  • 指数最高水平比指数最低水平人患肺癌可能高出

    Men with the highest readings were over three times as likely to get lung cancer as those with the lowest.


  • 服用类药物患者发生心律失常所导致心脏猝死的几率高出

    Patients taking these drugs are up to three times more likely to die of sudden cardiac death due to an abnormal heart rhythm.


  • 事实上他们武术练习者受伤可能

    In fact, they're three times more likely to get injured than someone in martial arts.


  • 平邑甜茶’天然三倍由于材料特殊外植苹果属其他植物再生不定困难

    Malus hupehensis is natural triploid, due to its special materials, its explants is more difficult to regenerate adventitious buds than other plants of Malus.


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