Jet Airways, India's largest domestic carrier, announced its biggest quarterly loss in more than three years on October 25th.
The labor department released its producer price that index fell 0.70% in April, the steepest dropping more than three years.
过去三年多以来,短期美国国债(指1 - 3年到期的债券)的收益率以美元来计高达18%。
Short-dated Treasury bonds (those with a maturity of one-to-three years) have returned a healthy 18% in dollar terms over the last three years.
过去三年多以来,短期美国国债(指1 - 3年到期的债券)的收益率以美元来计高达18%。
Short-dated Treasury bonds (those with a maturity of one-to-three years) have returned a healthy 18% in dollar terms over the last three years.